School Construction
Joining Hearts and Hands works with school communities in various locations throughout Kenya. The majority of our work has been in Nyanza and Western Kenya. Our sole project in Tanzania is the Usambara High School for Girls in Korogwe, Tanzania. Below are but a few of the projects we have completed over the years. Generally, we have two construction projects per year.

St. Mary Magdalene - Oasis of Hope
Joining Hearts and Hands began working for the orphans at St. Mary Magdalene-Oasis of Hope in 2016. Since that time JH&H has provided hundreds of books for their orphan school and some relief materials.
In 2017 construction began on an 8-classroom school for both the orphans and the local residents. The school was completed in 2018.

Usambara Girls Secondary & Usambara Early Childhood Montessori School – Korogwe in Tanzania
Created a relief program for teachers and staff, providing food and staples as a result of the COVID-19 Crisis
Constructed a three-classroom block for Form 2 High School Classes
Constructed a three-classroom block for Form 3 High School Classes
Constructed another three-classroom block for Form 4 High School Classes
Completed a two classroom block with teachers’ room for Form 5 Post High School Studies
Completed a two classroom block for Form 6
Completed a new Biology Laboratory
Completed a new Science Block
Initiated a partnership with Nazareth College of Rochester and sent 3 graduate student teachers to teach English at Usambara Girls Secondary School
Supported the construction of the School Library

Mang’uliro Secondary School
Constructed a Kitchen/Student Dining Room/Meeting Hall
Constructed latrines for Boys, Girls and Faculty

Mang’uliro Primary School
Construction of new student and teacher latrines
Construction of 3 classroom block
Reconstructed two additional elementary classrooms

Joining Hearts and Hands has built healthy smoke-free kitchens at Mbaka Oromo, Lufumbo, Kongasis, Mang’uliro high School, and St. Dymphna’s School for Handicapped Children

Mbaka Oromo Primary School – Nyanza Province Kenya
Constructed a two-classroom block
Purchased school supplies and learning aids including 450 textbooks
Construction of tables chairs and desks
Constructed two 6 unit latrine blocks
Constructed a 4 classroom block
Constructed a healthy new school kitchen
Refurbished two 6 unit latrine blocks for students
Constructed a two latrine blocks for teachers
Constructed security fencing around entire campus
Constructed Head Teacher’s Office
Engineered massive drainage project to protect school buildings from erosion

Iranda Primary School – Bukura, Western Province Kenya
Re-constructed a three-classroom block
Constructed 2 new classrooms
Constructed 2 new 8 unit student latrines

Lufumbo Primary School – Bukura, Western Province Kenya
Constructed two 8 unit latrines
Initiated an Income Generating Learning Activity (IGLA) Shiebu Goat Cooperative
Constructed a 40,000 liter water tank
Constructed a healthy new school kitchen
Reconstructed 4 new large classrooms
Personally fitted and distributed 351 new pairs of shoes
Constructed a library, two classrooms, teacher preparation room and administrative offices
Constructed security fencing around entire campus
Brought over 20,000 books from the USA to Lufumbo Library and 14 other schools in Western Kenya
Provide High School Scholarships for graduating 8th graders (2006-Present)

Kongasis Christian Education Center – KACECE – Kericho, Kenya
Created a relief program for teachers and staff, providing food and staples as a result of the COVID-19 CrisisConstructed healthy new school kitchen
Provided solar power to electrify the campus
Through the assistance of the Western Presbyterian Church Community in Palmyra, NY constructed and implemented a water system for whole rural community
Initiated a Tailoring Income Generating Learning Activity (IGLA) with the Kongasis Women Group

Hannah’s Hope Early Childhood Center – Katito in Nyanza Province, Kenya
Constructed a three-classroom block for early childhood classes
Constructed two 3 unit latrine blocks
Provided a play ground equipped for early childhood play and exercise
Constructed a healthy new school kitchen
Personally fitted and distributed 53 new pairs of shoes
Two additional Classrooms constructed
A well was dug for Hannah’s Hope to provide water for the school and the compound
Constructed an additional two-classroom block
Refurbished and repainted entire campus
Constructed two water collection tanks for drinking water

Lake View Boda Primary School
Constructed three latrine Blocks
Constructed a three-classroom Block
Provided hundreds of books