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Joining Hearts & Hands


The main mission of Joining Hearts and Hands is to provide the necessary elements for the education of children. But it doesn’t stop there. As you see throughout this website, we are involved in projects that go beyond education (eye clinics, water, sanitation etc.). When we work with a school, we work in support of the entire community of that school. When we build a classroom, we also listen to the villagers of that school.


As a result, we develop relationships that not only support the schools but the members of that school community. For example, we built latrines, classrooms, water tanks and a kitchen at Lufumbo Primary School. We subsequently reached out to the school community and discovered a women’s group in Butere who are mothers and grandmothers of the kids of Lufumbo who do their best to support the school.In turn we developed a relationship with them to support their needs.


Joining Hearts and Hands provided them with seed money to start a chicken breeding project and a chair rental business. Also in Butere (the Lufumbo community), we learned that many adults were illiterate and wanted to learn to read and write. Joining Hearts and Hands subsequently developed a very popular adult literacy program. Another group that needed our attention in this community was unmarried young mothers. We provided a computer training program for these young women so they could be armed with employable skills. 


These are just a few examples of our dedication to the communities where we work.

We Need Your Support Today!

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