Tired of buying gifts that no one needs or wants for the holidays? Why not consider a family donation?
It's a great way to share your love with children in Africa who have so little.

Joining Hearts and Hands has no fundraising overhead…NONE! We have no paid staff and all costs for travel and lodging, both local and in Africa, do not come from your contributions but rather come from our personal funds. Over 99% of money donated to Joining Hearts and Hands goes directly to projects helping Kenyans. No telemarketer will ever call on behalf of Joining Hearts and Hands nor will professional fundraisers be utilized that consequently eat up money that should go directly to those in need.
Our tradition is to give gifts during special occasions to let others know we love them and that we are thinking about them. Many times the gift is not necessary, but simply a sign of our love. Our thought is to give a gift in the name of a loved one or friend.
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Ways to Donate
Your tax deductible checks can be made payable to:
Joining Hearts and Hands, Ltd.
601 23rd PL SW
Vero Beach, FL 32962 USA
Your stock donations can be transferred electronically to benefit Joining Hearts and Hands initiatives.
Infinex Investments,Inc
/Pershing LLC
Account # ABM695651
DCT #0443
Talk to your employers. Since we are a 501(c)3 non-profit, many companies will provide matching funds.
Allocate your Qualified Charitable distribution tax-free to Joining Hearts and Hands.
Setup a presentation with your club, church, or group.